Links to the other pages are right here, even though they’re also in the menu, top right of this page :)

This “Home” page has links to other pages as you scroll down…

If you’re in a hurry, here’s a link to the blog -
Secrets about the 12 Phases where Elizabeth has thought conversations with you.

…more ————>

or here’s a link to About the Author, theorist Elizabeth Diane, and see publications she makes available.

Scroll down to join The Art of Perspective™ group for a free life cycle tool!

one more…

the Presentations page, where you can consider group workshops or one-on-one consultations.

The 12 Phases™ is a tool based on the twelve phases phenomenon -

an observed biological, psychological, and societal progression of individual human development.

— The Diane Theory

FREE when you join

The Art of Perspective™ Group

Author and Theorist Elizabeth Diane writes about the 12 Phases


Secrets of the
12 Phases

Revealing Natural Phenomena
in Spontaneous Response

An astonishing facet of human nature sustains our lives every day.

Learn the natural system that moves you forward in a personal way, every day.

Good rises over loss in our hearts and minds. Your life has these marks, too.

Follow my blog as I bring bits of this wonder to your mind.

Did you know…

Your life path is unlike any other.

Your development progresses naturally and effortlessly.

Your unconscious mind retains all your life experiences.

Life fine wine, we age well with time.

Group Presentations

Introduction to the
Life Cycle Phases™

Your Phases of Personal Growth

Hear how your Life Cycle map begins in less than a minute.

Recognize the individual value of every person and their resilience on the path of life that is theirs alone.

— The Art of Perspective

Your natural motivation is revealed in the 12 Phases™ when applied to personal growth.

You have repeated breakthroughs to new levels of personal strength.

Growth is natural.

The 12 Phases™ makes it personal.

Find out more.