Phase Five: Intrinsic Harmony
As we move into the year 2025, the last days of the year 2024 mark the finish of a Phase Five™ principle at work: Harmony.
Harmony happened among people across the country during the solar eclipse.
Harmony often happens during the Christmas season when love overshadows troubles.
Harmony assimilates new experiences with what went before and becomes one history.
Intrinsic Harmony refers to what is unintended and natural at the core of being human.
In the 12 Phases™ - a natural and unconscious life system,
harmony is accomplished when a previous norm comes together with new experiences.
Assimilation is my keyword for the way harmony is restored.
Managing new experiences is a stretching beyond what you control, and the experience is literally incorporated into you...
You build a reservoir of all your life experience in the unconscious mind. Now, it has absorbed all that happened during 2024.
So, at the turn of the new year, you are different, stronger, ready for the next year's experiences.
2024 was a Phase Five™ year, counting from the impact of the pandemic in 2020.
Every person on this planet experienced the pandemic together; we started a twelve-phase cycle together.
Observed Phenomena
The twelve phases phenomenon is a living system in Nature, one that pertains to the growth and development of humans.
In observing this constant process, I have learned to apply it whenever an unexpected event occurs.
Your survival instinct instantly arises in the startling effect of an unexpected event in your life…
Unconscious abilities manage the event for you when conscious habits momentarily fail.
Why the pandemic is a pivotal Phases™ event.
In 2020, we all experienced the effect of the pandemic as an unexpected event.
Individually, our unconscious responses initiated the twelve phases process...
Knowing this, even now you cannot apply conscious intention in your unconscious mind.
The unconscious mind is your personal database of every experience, every relationship, and every life event since you were born.
To find the phases at work, sequence is key to seeing natural restoration at work.
As a living system, the twelve phases phenomenon is like the systems we more easily observe at work in plants and animals -
natural, sequential, self-renewing; producing life, from inside to outside
without external influence.
What makes us human is intrinsic...
Intrinsic: belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing (Merriam-Webster)
To observe intrinsic processes is to observe your biological and psychological wisdom of self-preservation at work.
Without our influence or control, each of us is connected to the systems of life.
In retrospect, we can gain conscious understanding of the effect of life —
Life always revitalizes itself.
As an unconscious experience, you and I have been moving out of the Covid crisis toward restoration.
Look back on your experience:
What changed, and how did you recover your sense of stability over the months of 2020?
You might see how your personal outlook and feelings guided your adjustment.
Our conscious intention in external circumstances comes after the survival instinct succeeds.
The principles of the phases are constant, individual, sequential, and cyclical.
As Nature pulls us all into its consistent, perpetual pattern, devastation is subsumed by life.
You and I know this, intuitively…
The greater forces of life often require that we adjust our expectations.
Over time, we learn that - if we want to fight it, life always wins.
It’s a matter of pace…
Life wants you to win - its way.
Your life will always find a way that works specifically for you because life supports the survival of our species —over the long term.
The twelve phases phenomenon is one of the systems that support human life —
Life includes growth, struggle, loss, and joy.
The seemingly unrelated parts of life that we experience actually do work together as one.
You and I cannot manipulate life against its nature, and we cannot escape Nature’s ways.
I have been making tools to communicate my understanding of the twelve phases phenomenon.
Applying the phases to our common experience in 2020 and beyond is one such tool.
Life sustains life.
By the end of December 2020, we had recovered order…
Each of us built a new autonomous order so that our lives could resume, from inside out.
That is the way of Life.
I submit for your consideration, a map of the reconstruction process for all of us on Planet Earth.
Restoring Good: 12 Phases™ of the 2020 Pandemic
2020 Phase One: Intuition leads the way through disruption.
2021 Phase Two: Setting new priorities as a response.
2022 Phase Three: Envision a unique personal stance.
2023 Phase Four: Work out a distinct place among others.
2024 Phase Five: Pre-pandemic equilibrium returns harmony.
2025 Phase Six: The process results in a breakthrough.
… and then you can anticipate more growth over the long-term:
2026 Phase Seven: Autonomous perspective adjusts to include everyone else.
2027 Phase Eight: Preparation for what's to come.
2028 Phase Nine: Witness together the arrival of a new good.
2029 Phase Ten: Facts, as observed, update judgment.
2030 Phase Eleven: Change is evidence of new growth.
2031 Phase Twelve: a permanent new GOOD prepares us for the future.
GOOD Continues to grow with every cycle.
2032 - the next Phase One continues positive growth.
The future cannot be predicted, but the pattern of human development is reliable.
An interruption to your sense of control is external only.
When the unexpected appears to throw your life into chaos, it is only the 5% of mind that is conscious is affected.
The body-and-mind process manages your organism, drawing on all the natural resourcefulness you possess.
Please support me as I work to bring this discovery into scientific and public recognition. It’s a long-term prospect.