Imagine a Time Machine

I imagine the Universe as a Time Machine…

for Planet Earth —

methodical days of sunrises and sunsets.

We, as creatures dependent on the sun rising, create rhythms of our own.

We named time by the hours and days.

But we are not in charge of time.

The Universe is in charge of time.

Probably time is different on other planets.

“Good” is a relative term that only applies in the world of humans on Planet Earth.

I imagine the Universe as a machine that uses time to build good for humans on Planet Earth.

So, I imagine…

Only a human being can perform the functions needed to build good in the Universal time machine.

So, I imagine people as parts—something like gears in a clock—

a Universal Time Machine.

The Universal Time Machine was already running when people arrived on the scene.

So, I imagine the good Universe making use of people to build the kind of good people need,

each person according to time already in motion.

Our labels for time help us organize events and communicate with each other.

But the Universal Time Machine is autonomous.

People are not time.

The Universal Time Machine is a higher physical order.

I imagine the effect of the Universe is benevolence, as a system of Nature.

I notice people sometimes refer to the Universe this way.

We might reflect on resistance to our personal agenda as “the Universe is telling me to…”

change in the direction of good.

A nudge.

I imagine this Universal Time Machine as slowly, smoothly working out its mission—

made organic by the living parts—

each a natural facet of good…

according to their nature -

according to the rhythm and order of Universal Time.

So, I imagine other natural systems in positions subordinate to the Universal Time Machine.

Good wins out over evil—in Time.

An acorn grows into an oak tree, in Time.

A person grow naturally into a unique place—in Time.

And so, I naturally imagine that the twelve phases phenomenon is also carried out in Time…

according to its nature -

according to the rhythm and order of Universal Time.


Phase Five: Intrinsic Harmony


Phase Four: Assertion